Friday, May 29, 2009

School is Almost Over

           I wonder how Im going to live with out school in my life??
We have 7 days until school is over, 6 Days until we graduate from D.A.R.E. I can not wait any longer. Although I am going to miss my friends and SOME of the teachers (Mrs.Dresler exspecially)!! This summer I will continue to read. And I will miss Birch Grove Elementary.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Minnesota Orchestra

 Both sites are interesting to kids because of the games the pictures and maybe even the way it looked (cartoons). I liked both sites because they were creative they gave lots of information and that information makes me want to go to the Minnesota Orchestra even more. One thing I don't like about one of the sites is all of the words. It may be interesting for adults but it kind of gets boring to student after a while. The website show me how difficult music can be. The people who listen to the music like me has the simple part of the job because all we do is listen but i enjoy music.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Think and respond A Do-it-yourself project

1. Mari learns that she can do things on her own
2. At the beginning of the story Mari felt as if she could do it but at the end she felt she couldn't do it.
3. I think the author was trying to say that people should be able to help others but when they do all the work and turn it in to there assignment its not OK.
4. I think teachers should judge student's projects based on how much work it looks like they put in to it and how they present it.
5. The reading strategies I used were reading and questioning.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beautiful art pieces

There is a website with lovely American pictures you should check out Picturing America. 
We also had to do an assignment with this website like this:
1. Because Children will gain a greater appreciation for the American art.
2. You can kind of see what happened back then through the very flawless paintings.
3. Because it tells a lot with something simple like a ladder and a title. I like the other one because it tells
how people have different ways of helping each other out.
4. I like this picture
and this picture
Because they show loyalty in some ways.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Please follow so you can get to check out the things I do and think about.

Happy Birthday Deja

Today is one my best friends birthday and her name is Deja. So Deja I hope you have fun for your Birthday. 

                                                      Happy Birthday Deja


Spring Dance

Me and some friends are planning a Spring Dance the thing is we need more help so if you are in the 6th grade at Birch Grove school and you are interested in helping please comment my blog and let it be known. 
Thank You.

Monday, February 23, 2009

silver pieces

These are very beautiful pieces of work. They are all different colors and shapes. The handles are also different there are wooden handles and very curved handles. The silver on the left side down looks much older then the others. It looks older because it looks like it has been someones for a long time and the wooden handle also makes it look older.But they all look like antiques. Some are square and some are rounder and bumpy. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Old pictures new post

In this picture it shows Benjamin Franklin. This picture looks very old because of the clothing he is wearing. The picture looks like it is in a museum. Also you can see that his hair is kind of like the old, old, old fashion hair styles. He is wearing tights and shoes like most men used to do back in his day. I also know that this picture is very because Benjamin Franklin died long ago.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I finished the book "My Side of the Mountain" it was a very interesting book. I have one question for the auther did the boy who was a photagropher tell on Sam or did people follow the photogropher.
Today in school we went to a vocal essence Concert and it was way better than i thought it would be. My most favorite part was the drummers solo. The music was flawless I thought it had no mistakes. When they brought the children out to speak I thought that was great. The children acted as if they were not nervous at all. I really injoyed the concert, so thankyou very much Vocal Essence.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Side of the Mountain (Chapter 20-22)

Chapter 20 "The Spring in the Winter and the Beginning of My Story's End"
At the end of February insects came out and birds built nest and he saw raccoons. Sam went up to the Valley to get edible foods. A boy named Matt Spell was watching Sam. He was trying to get a good story on a wild boy. The boy knew he was telling a lie because he wrote down all the things Sam did. The boy said if he got to spend his spring vacation with him then he wouldn't tell. Matt was supposed to meet him on April 20th at 3:30. He had to bring a copy of what he wrote. Sams forum discussed what to do about Matt Spell.

Chapter 21 "I Cooperate with the End"
Jessie didn't come around because she was fishing. The songwriters name was Aaron. 

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

books you should really check out

 Bronx Masquerade is a poetry book. it talks about feelings, and how people struggle.
Frenemies is about high schoolers and there drama with boys, friends, and enemies.

                                                                 The cay is about a racist boy getting stuck on an island with a colored man 

Monday, February 02, 2009

My side Of the Mountain (chapter 12-19

Chapter 12 "I find a Real Live Man"
Sam enjoyed taking baths in the spring he used the bark of a slippery elm for soap. Jessie C. James would help sam dig up mussel. Frightful was a expert in hunting so sam and him could eat rabbit stew, pheasant potpie, and sparrow. Sam also made sassafras tea, and pennyroyal. One day Sam was going to his tree and saw a man sitting stretched in front of it. The strange mans name was Bando and Sam made Bando dinner. For dinner he made Brown puffballs in deer fat with a little garlic, and raspberries. Bando called Sam Thoreau. Bando stayed with Sam for about ten days. Bando made jars and lids out of clay so Sam could put jam in them. Sam and Bando made willow whistles out of twigs. Bando left Sam and told him that he would see him on Christmas.

Chapter 13 "The Autumn Provides Food And Loneliness"
In September Sam pushed his raft down the stream and gathered arrowleaf, cattails tubers, bulrush roots, and the nut-like tubers of the sedges. Sam saw the Baron Weasel looking moldy and he thought it was because he might be changing his summer fur for his white winter mantle. All the animals were preparing for winter. Sam dug up clay and thought about making a chimney and fireplace. Frightful got sick because the fireplace was taking up all of his air. Sam fixed it by cutting out several more knotholes to let the air in and out.

Chapter 14 "We All Learn About Halloween"
 Sam was in competition with the squirrels, raccoons, and a skunk when they were gathering nuts. sam cut apples in pieces and let them dry on the boulder in order to store them for the winter. for there halloween party he served cracked nuts, smoked rabbit, apples, and crayfish. Sam discovered wild rice in an ox bow. That night animals had got into Sams house and made a huge mess. A bat was the last to leave. 

Chapter 15 "I Found Out What to Do with Hunters"
 In November the hunting season had begun. Sam and frightful needed exercise so the decided to go to the library. Sam heard shot and didnt think it was a good idea to go. But then the man gave up on hunting after thirty minutes of nothing. Sam did not smoke the last two deer because the venison could smoke. Sam had trouble tanning the deer hides because the water kept freezing all night.

Chapter 16 "Trouble Begins"
Frightful's plumage had changed during the autumn and she was breathtaking. Sam cut his hair with a penknife. A boy about Sam's age called him Daniel Boone. He could tell that Sam was from New York because of his accent. Sam said he was doing research in the Gribley farm. Sam called the boy Mr. Jacket. Sam forgot to stack up a big wood pile when he was getting ready for winter.

Chapter 17 "I pile Up Wood and  Go on with Winter"
Sam decided that if he used up one pile he could tunnel through the snow to the next and the next. When Sam said now I am back where i began and I wont tell it agian I think the author meant he already went through not knowing how bad the storm would be and if it happens again he wont be afraid. Sam standby breakfast he had the jam Bando made. Sam found teaberry leaves, and tergreen under the snow. Sam used birch branch as paper.

Chapter 18 "I Learn About Birds and  People"
Sam's deerskin rabbit-lined suit kept him warm. Mr. Bracket was someone who lived on the first floor f Sam's apartment. Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Callaway, and Mrs. Federio were all ladies who went to the market together. Sam called those three chickadees these names because they all followed each other and they were all noisy. Bando came on Christmas eve. Sam going to Bando moccasins for Christmas. Bando was telling Sam that he never though he would have made it. Bando and Sam played holy night and twelve days of christmas on the willow whistles. Bando got tired of playing. Sam cooked pancakes for breakfast. Sam's dad came to visit. Sam and his friend and family ate onion soup and venison steak. The soup was cooked to perfection. sams dad stayed the longest. So no one would see him leaving.

Chapter 19 "I Have a Good Luck at Winter and Find Spring in the Snow"
Sam said to be relaxed was an unforgettable experience. Sam made snow shoes to make it easier to travel. sam had gotten lost in a blizzard once. Sam caught a white footed deer mouse trying to get in his tree. A horned owl made the farm beautiful. Sam kept the door opened so he wouldnt be iced in. The trees were blow up because the ice was to much to bear. Sam ate liver and  that cured his nosebleeds and aching body. Sam served tree limbs. The deer did not come because spring was coming. Sam found hatched eggs. he thought of the pokeweeds.


Friday, January 30, 2009

MLK for a day

  I learned that MLK's real name was micheal and that he was a leader and a peaceful warrior. 
   he was also a great inspiration on Billy Taylor. Billy taylor was a singer.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain

I am reading a book called My side of the mountain by Jean Craighead George.
The author wrote a boy who decided to stay in the wilderness. When the author was a little boy he wanted to run away and live in the wilderness and catch fish just the way he dad had taught him. the people in that family all wanted to run away into the woods bu always came back. Jean was born and raised in Washington,D.C. His brothers were two of the first falconers in the U.S and they helped him train one. At first the publisher did not want to publish the book because he thought that it was encouraging children to run away from home. But then the publisher changed his mind because someone told him its better to have children run to the woods than the city. this story is not a true story although it could happen in real life. Sam is the main character and the narrator. Sam Gribley is living in the woods. his home is an hemlock. The weather is very cold and it is December fourth or the fifth. Sam Gribley ran away from home.